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child counseling



"Play  gives  children  a  chance  to  practice  what  they  are learning. "

-mr. rogers


Got a kiddo?


If you have found your way here, it is likely that your child is struggling. From behaviors that make you want to scream to major life events or losses, we have seen it all. The good news is that you are not alone! Most children struggle with intense emotions and challenging behaviors at some point in their development because emotional processing skills are not innate, but instead have to be learned. 


laughing child therapy
Man Carrying Child in Arms

Play Therapy: 


Designed specifically for children, Play Therapy utilizes the natural language of children (play!) to build a trusting relationship with their therapist, process and express emotions, minimize disruptive behaviors, and integrate coping skills. Successful with children 2 and up, Play Therapy can effectively empower your child to face their challenges with ease and be the best version of themselves.


Not sure if Play Therapy is the right fit for your kiddo? Give us a call today to receive a free 30-minute consultation and get all of your questions answered!

Child therapy

Play therapy will grow with your child.

From toddlerhood to young adulthood, play therapy offers the flexibility for your child to express themself in whatever way feels best. With a wide variety of tools to explore their emotional process, each child gets to co-create their own therapeutic process. We can use imaginative play, structured games, movement, art supplies, sand, and so much more to enhance treatment and to help each and every child feel at home in our space.

animal assisted play therapy® :

Now available at our Longmont location!

Animal assisted play therapy® (AAPT) is a specialized service that, for some kids, can enhance their healing process. Genny Johnson, MA LPC works with her two pups, Obi and Maui. They are fan favorites at the Longmont center! 


Animal assisted play therapy® is an evidenced-based strategy that is proven to lower anxiety, increase self-esteem, increase emotional awareness and regulation, decrease loneliness, increase trust, and so much more.

If you think AAPT might be right for your child, inquire today!

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