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Signs That You Could Benefit From Patenting Support

By Alicia Lord, MA LPC

Parenting is a crazy journey. Wonderful, of course, but challenging too. There’s no right or wrong way to parent, and most of us are completely unprepared for the ups and downs (especially the downs) that parenting throws at us. And, ironically, we often end up raising children who perfectly represent our own challenges and trigger our own wounds. All of this is to say, it’s okay if you need parenting support. In fact, it’s absolutely normal.

We see a lot of different parenting struggles…do any of these feel familiar to you?:

Your strategies for discipline aren’t working

You feel disconnected from your child

Co-parenting feels strained

Your child’s behaviors lead you to frustration, yelling, or engaging in a way that doesn’t feel supportive

Nothing you try is working

You’ve explored all different approaches and strategies with little to no improvement

Your child’s distress is creating family distress

The unhealthy parenting strategies you experienced in childhood are coming out in the way you parent

You are watching your child struggle and you don’t know what to do

You are getting into power struggles with your child on a regular basis

If you see yourself, your partner, or your family in the list, please know what there is hope and there is help! You do not have to navigate these challenges on your own, and having a therapist’s support can really strengthen your confidence as a parent or caregiver.

If you have questions about these challenges or want to learn more about play therapy services and parenting support, feel free to reach out today for your free 30-minute consultation.


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